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Gemini User Presets

There are six preset buttons that can recall user-created presets or factory presets

Factory Presets

Press the A/B button to switch between the (A) USER presets or (B) CCT presets


The CCT presets are fixed factory presets.  Refer to the Color Temperature labels (in Kelvin) below each preset button (B-side of the A/B preset banks)

User Presets

When on the A-side of A/B banks you can save up to 6 custom presets for instant recall from either manual control (press the desired Preset button) or from DMX control (Preset Trigger).

When a preset is recalled the corresponding Preset Button will light up. If changes are made to the current preset’s settings, the Preset Button will no longer illuminate since the the settings are now deviated from the saved preset settings. Either recall the preset again or save a new preset.

Save a Preset

To save a preset, set the light from either manual or dmx control to any profile, mode or effect. Then simply press & hold a preset button (1-6) for 3 seconds and the settings will be saved to that Preset button.

To Recall in manual mode: simply press the desired preset button

To Recall from dmx: use the Preset Trigger profile (see dmx charts)

Saving to USB

The USER preset bank can be saved to a USB drive for loading onto other fixtures or saving multiple banks of user presets when you need more than six.

Navigate to Settings→Load/Store Conf and press the Menu knob to enter


Here you can Store/Load your current User preset bank to/from the usb drive