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Gemini Fan Settings

They spin and spin and spin

The fan behavior in Gemini fixtures can be set either manually (in the FIXTURE CONFIG -> FAN CONFIG menu) or through DMX control via DMX Profiles with the FAN MODE parameter. (see dmx chart for details)


Fan Control Options

  • Fan Auto: The fan will come on when fixture is at full power

  • Fan Delayed: The fan will come on only at high internal temperatures

  • Fan Max: Fan will always run at maximum speed

  • Fan Off: For silent operation but the maximum intensity is limited to 50% as maximum

  • Fan DMX Controlled: When using a DMX Profile with the FAN CONTROL parameter, you can control the Fan options from your lighting console or other dmx control device. (Auto, Off, Delayed, Max).


When set Fan is set to DMX Control, you will see "DMX" on the Fan symbol in the LCD display and the selected Fan Mode at the bottom of the display

Fan Mode



Fan On (Auto)

Available power = 100%

2x1 Hard fan turns on at 95C at high RPM


Fan will turn on running Effects but at lower RPM


Fan will turn on at low RPM if power is greater than 30W

Fan Off

Available power = 50%

2x1 Hard temperature warning at 105C (no cutoff)

2x1 Hard temperature error at 112C (cutoff)

Fan Delayed

Fan turns on at higher fixture temps. Available power = 100%

Fan turns on at 84C. When cooling, fan will stay on until 79C (then it will turn off)

Fan On (Max)

Fan set to max speed. Available power = 100%

Fan DMX Controlled

Disabling fan will result in power reduced to 50%

You can select the Fan Mode via DMX. You can set it to either Auto, Off, Delayed, or Max.