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Gemini Configuration Files on USB

Configuration settings can be stored to a USB drive for later recall and transfer

All the settings in the menu system can be stored to a Config File on a usb thumb drive. This makes it easy to load your configuration settings onto another fixture or reload your own custom settings after a Factory Reset.


Navigate to the settings →Load/Store Config menu and press the Menu knob to enter.

Here you can Store or Load your configuration settings as a file to/from a usb drive.

Fixture Settings included in the Config File

  • DMX Settings

  • COMMS Select

  • Wireless Settings

  • Fixture Settings (Displays, Fans, Mode)

These Manual Control settings are also stored in the Config File

  • Intensity

  • CCT

  • +/- Green offset


  • Gel Selection


  • Crossfade

  • xy

  • Effects

Presets can be saved here as well to their own file type separate from fixture configuration settings.